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Clinical Studies

For over forty years, Lympha Press dynamic compression therapy systems have helped patients all over the world deal with lymphedema, chronic venous insufficiency, wounds, and lipedema. We’re the number one global brand in pneumatic compression for many reasons, including proven clinical evidence in over thirty peer-reviewed publications.

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Lymph Manual Drainage

A randomized study comparing manual lymph drainage with sequential pneumatic compression for treatment of postoperative arm lymphedema

K. Johansson, E. Lie, C. Ekdahl, J. Lindfelt. Department of Physical Therapy and Department of Surgery, University Hospital, Lund, Sweden., (1998) Lymphology, 31, 56-64.
This randomized trial compared Lympha Press® to MLD performed in-clinic. Lympha Press® and MLD were equally effective at reducing swelling. (Study funded by research grants from the Cancer Foundation of Sweden).

Augmentation of blood flow in limbs with occlusive arterial disease by intermittent calf compression

Paul S. van Bemmelen, MD, PhD, Mark A. Mattos, MD, William E. Faught, MD, M.Ashraf Mansour, Lynne D. Barkmeier, MD, Kim J. Hodgson, MD, Don E. Ramsey, MD, David S. Sumner, MD
This study shows how the pump works and the sympathetic responses of the body to increase blood flow.

Long-term results of compression treatment for lymphedema

C.J. Pappas, MD, and T.F. O’Donnell Jr., MD, FACS. (1992) Journal of Vascular Surgery, 16, 555-564.
This study in a group of 49 patients showed that treatment of lymphedema with Lympha Press® and compression stockings was associated with long-term maintenance of reduced limb girth in 90% of patients.

Home therapy for lymphedema

A. McLeod, (1989) Home Health Care, Summer, 18-19.
This clinical report describes successful home therapy with Lympha Press® pneumatic compression, exercise, compression, and education, maintaining a 2-year circumferential reduction of 23%

Sequential pneumatic compression for lymphedema: a controlled trial

Richmand DM, O’Donnell TF Jr, Zelikovski A. (1985) Arch Surg, Oct, 120(10), 1116-1119.
In this study, patients obtained safe and rapid reduction averaging 45% loss in circumference. Follow up at three and six months showed that patients who were compliant with compression garments maintained 50% or more of their reduction.